Music Department

Tom Newby School has a proud tradition of music education that includes choirs, marimba bands and instrumental ensembles.  Music education has three components: General music appreciation, Music Maestro and Extra-curricular activities. 

General music appreciation

General music appreciation and fundamental knowledge of music theory is included in regular curriculum delivery.  Basic instrumental skills are acquired through the Descant recorder, Marimbas and Djembe drums.

Music Maestro

Private service providers manage the Music Maestro program. Music Maestro is available to learners who show potential as singers or instrumentalists (violin, guitar and piano).  These lessons may take place during school hours OR after the extra-curricular program and could incur a cost of between R400.00 – R1000.00 per term.

Tom Newby School Music Department

Extra-curricular activities

The extra-curricular program comprises a Junior Choir and Marimba Band and a Senior Choir and Marimba Band.  There is no financial responsibility for these activities, but parents may be required to pay Eisteddfod entry fees and London School of Music exam fees.

Goal setting and acknowledgement of achievement in cultural activity

Trainers discuss the goals and targets for each activity at the start of the season and evaluate performance at the end of the season. Acknowledgement of achievement in school-based sporting codes is governed by policies that are point-based to ensure objective evaluation of performance.  Participants may be acknowledged for participation, commitment and distinction.