
Below is our school fees policy.

You are hereby notified of the following important matters regarding the payment of school fees:

  1. At a meeting of the parent body of Tom Newby School on 1 November 2023, the school fees for 2024 were determined in accordance with Section 39 of the South African Schools Act, 1996. In terms of Section 39 of the South African Schools Act, you are liable to pay these fees. In terms of Section 40 of the South African Schools Act, we may enforce this payment by taking legal action, including blacklisting on the National Credit Bureau.   
  2. The payment of school fees is, therefore, compulsory and fees are payable in advance, first payment falling due on 3 January 2024 and the final payment on 1 November 2024. School fees are reviewed annually by the Governing Body in consultation with the parent body.

Incentives for parents to pay the school fees:

  1. The annual school fee for the 2024 academic year has been set at R 25850.00 per learner (R 2350.00 per learner per month).
  2. A discount of 10% (R 2585.00 per learner) to be granted to parents who pay the 2024 fees via EFT directly to the school’s bank account by no later than 31 January 2024. Fees to be paid after the discount is taken into account will be R 23265.00 per learner.
  3. A discount of 5% (R 1292.50 per learner) to be granted to parents who pay the 2024 fees via card transaction as a result of the charges incurred by the school.
  4. Parents paying via debit order (the preferred method of payment) will be entitled to a 2% discount on the annual fees to be taken into account and deducted from the final debit order provided all debit orders are successful. Debit orders run from 1 February to 1 December and then automatically cancelled after the final run in December. Debit Order instruction forms are available from The Finance Department on request.

Debit Orders

All debit orders are processed on the night of the first working day of each month and only one run is actioned per month. Should an instruction be returned unpaid, the instruction will be cancelled and parents will the need to make manual payments (eft / direct transfer / card transaction at the school) to bring the account in line.

Parents are advised that, for security reasons, cash payments will no longer be accepted at the School and parents are requested to make deposits directly into the School’s bank account, details as follows:


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62669734777

Other Payment Methods

A card machine is available at the finance office during office hours only – Strictly 07h30 – 14h00. Please ensure that the correct reference is used when making payments thereby ensuring the correct allocation of the payment. We will also no longer be accepting cheques.

Should school fees be paid directly into the Tom Newby School bank account, a copy of the deposit slip must be e-mailed to cirsteenw@tomnewbyschool.co.za OR sent to the School’s finance department. Should funds be paid directly into the School’s bank account by means of telephonic banking, internet banking or by any other direct means, the onus is on the parent to provide the relevant information to the School’s finance department so that such funds can be correctly allocated to the correct learner’s account. Please ensure that your school fee account number / family number is used as a reference on all deposits.

  1. Monthly payments shall be payable on or before the 7th of each month. In the event of the parent failing to pay the monthly school fees on the due date, the full account will become due and interest at the rate of 9% per annum, compounded monthly, and calculated on the reducing balance outstanding from time to time will be charged. Should payments be made directly into the school’s account for any other reason, e.g. stationery; tours etc., this is to be clearly marked as such or such payment will be credited to the school fee account.

    Should parents fail to pay the school fees timeously, or pay such fees and monies on demand by the Principal or authorized representative, the Tom Newby School Governing Body will give parents who are in arrears, in terms of Section 41(5) of the South African Schools Act (SASA), 90 days’ written notice of its intention to institute legal proceedings. Parents will have 7 days from due date of the notice to pay the fees. Thereafter the case will be handed over to the School’s debt collectors / attorneys to institute legal proceedings, including default listing on a credit bureau, to recover the outstanding school fees. The parents will then become liable for the legal costs of collecting such fees and monies in accordance with the accepted attorney / debt collector / client scale.
  2. The Governing Body of the School shall have the right to amend the school fees as mentioned in paragraph 1 above, and method of payment thereof, subject to proper consultation with the Parent Body. A term’s notice (where possible) will be given in the event of the school fees being raised.
  3. School fees, interest on arrear school fees and any other monies collected by the School shall be paid into the School Fund administered by the Governing Body and the Governing Body shall be entitled to apply such monies in the manner it deems fit, but subject to the conditions of the Education Act, in particular, and to an annual audit.
  4. Parents are however reminded that, in terms of the Act, both parents are, both jointly and severally, responsible for the payment of school fees and divorce settlement agreements (domestic arrangements) are not binding on third parties.


  1. Parents shall give one calendar month’s written notice before removing their child from the School and this obligation shall be applicable irrespective of the reasons for the removal of the child from the School. This is not applicable to Grade 7 learners leaving at the end of their final year at the school.
  2. Parents, who fail to give the required written notice to the School, will be held liable for one month’s School fees in lieu of the notice period.
  3. In the event of the parent removing the learner from the School in the month of November, the parent shall be liable for the full fees.
  4. It is hereby recorded that the School depends on the adequacy of amounts standing to the credit of the School Fund. The School Fund is funded predominantly by the parents of the learners. Subsidies and loans are only granted in exceptional circumstances and the School can, therefore, not readily rely on State aid. Failure by parents to pay School Fees and other monies owing to the School timeously will result in financial hardship to the School and possible closure of the School. Parents therefore undertake to pay School Fees and other monies owing to the School.
  5. On enrolment of the learner to the School (grades 1 – 7) a R600.00 (SIX HUNDRED RAND) acceptance fee is to be paid to the School. This amount will be credited to the relevant school fee account in February of the year the learner starts their schooling at Tom Newby. A 350.00 (THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY RAND) non-refundable, once-off Computer Centre fee is due and payable for new learners attending the school for the first time in 2024.
  6. It is important that ALL parents complete and return the tear-off slip by 10 December 2023 as proof of acknowledgement and understanding of the School Fees Policy of Tom Newby School.
  7. The Governing Body would like to thank the parents for their co-operation in the payment of school fees. It is through the prompt payment of school fees that Tom Newby School is able to continue delivering quality education by highly competent and caring educators in a safe learning environment.